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Chaos on the board

Have you ever felt tired of chess? Maybe you’ve been uninspired or perhaps you think it’s too much work. To paraphrase a famous movie: All work and no play makes you a dull person. If that is the case, I may have a cure. You need a fun chess book. Something that will rekindle your joy for the game and inspire you to play creatively. I give you Tiger’s Chaos Theory!

This book found me at a time when I needed it the most. My inspiration and motivation to study chess was way down. And like a bolt from the blue, the Swedish Chess Federation approached me and wanted me to review this book. And the kind people at Quality Chess agreed to send me a review copy. An offer I couldn't refuse. So after this happy turn of events, I have a new review for you.

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What can you expect from this book?

Grandmaster Tiger Hillarp Persson, a multi-time Swedish chess champion, has already made his mark as an author with two books on his favorite opening, the Modern. But in Tiger’s Chaos Theory, he breaks away from opening theory entirely to challenge how we think about chess itself. This isn’t your typical training manual – it’s more of an invitation to rethink the rules and get inspired.

At its core, Tiger’s Chaos Theory is about chess improvement, but it defies tradition. There’s no walkthrough of openings, strategies, or endgames here, and definitely no puzzles. Instead, Tiger leads us through ten chapters of pure chess inspiration, packed with games featuring everything from dubious sacrifices to tactical and positional brilliance. With a selection of elite-level games—split between his own and his peers’—Tiger gives us a front-row seat to both creativity and chaos on the board.

What started out as a book about creativity ended up as something else – but not quite.
As far as I understand, Tiger was requested to write a book about creativity in chess, but the book ended up as something far more than that. In the book, Tiger questions many of the received “truths” about chess. Unlike the masters of the past, he argues that the game cannot be reduced to something strictly logical. He also claims that chess principles often contradict one another and can be more of a hindrance than a help if you follow them too rigidly. A simple example is that rooks belong on open files, but also behind passed pawns, and on the seventh rank. All good advice, but they can’t all apply at once. This, Tiger argues, is why we need to use these principles as rough guidelines, allowing intuition to take the lead when necessary. Breaking the rules, he suggests, is often the way forward.

In many ways, Tiger’s Chaos Theory has the same feel as Under the Surface by Jan Markos. If these two authors were to team up, they’d either create a masterpiece or get so lost in philosophy they’d never make it to print. But if you enjoy books that make you think as much as they improve your play, this one will be right up your alley. Among other things, Tiger suggests that every player keep a collection of intriguing games – this book itself is a great start, filled with examples that will inspire you to play more creatively. I have enjoyed this book a lot, and recommend it wholeheartedly.

Who should read this book?

Tiger’s Chaos Theory is an engaging, enjoyable read – one best taken in by a fireside, perhaps with a favorite drink in hand. But don’t let the laid-back tone fool you; this book demands focus. It’s aimed at advanced players, ideally those with a solid grasp of tactics and strategy. The analysis is detailed, and keeping up with the nuances will challenge even seasoned players. To get the most out of it, a rating of 2000 or higher is recommended, but ambitious players with lower ratings will still find much to enjoy – if they’re ready to take on a challenge. So, if you’re looking to push the boundaries of your game, this book might just be your ticket.

About this book

Author:Tiger Hillarp Persson
Title:Tiger's Chaos Theory
Type of book:Chess improvement, Miscellaneous


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