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Learn chess tactics

Where should you turn for tactics training? This is a frequently occuring question, not only from beginners, but also from intermediate players. Which books are suitable for your specific level, and which ones should you get? In this review, I take on a book that I suggest you do get - at least if you're at or near the beginning of your chess development.

This was actually my first tactics book back in the day, and I recently reread it in order to give a proper review. I remember that I liked it the first time around and that my tactical skills improved. Although rereading it didn't contribute all that much to my learning, I still have a good impression of it. Please read on for more details.

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What can you expect from this book?

Learn Chess Tactics is written by the one and only John Nunn, and (as the name implies) it is a tactics book. I would go as far as to say it is a very typical tactics book; the chapters are based on various tactical themes and the book finishes off with a collection of combinations.

The book has 14 chapters, 12 of which are 'themed' and two that are a bit different. We'll get back to those.

No. puzzles
2Discovered attack26
6Trapped piece16
7Removing the Guard8
8Opening and Closing Lines6
9Back-Rank Mate12
10Pawn Promotion14
11In-Between Moves4
12Defensive Tactics16
14Miscellaneous Exercises66

Each chapter begins with a short introduction that defines the tactical theme and gives a few examples. After that, it's on to the puzzles.

John Nunn is a former world champion of chess problem and well-known for his complex and deep analyses. But although this book is written by him, the puzzles are not super hard. My guess is that players within the indicated rating range should be able to solve most puzzles in 5 min or less. At least for the first 12 chapters, since you know which tactical theme to look for. Chapter 13 is a bit harder, as you are expected to combine themes, which makes solving somewhat more complex. And in the final chapter, you get a mix of puzzles, which also increases the challenge. This being said, this is an introductory tactics book, so you should not be afraid.

A good quality of the book is that the puzzle difficulty is fairly consistent. Some other tactics books combine super-simple one-move tactics that you find in a heartbeat and insanely complicated ones that you spend 15 minutes trying to solve and end up with a severe headache. I am glad to say that this is not one of those books.

Another thing I like about this book is that the puzzles are from actual games, and sometimes the 'victim' is a renowned grandmaster. So if you at some point feel bad about falling for a tactic, the book gives examples of players such as Anatoly Karpov, Garry Kasparov, Sergei Karjakin and Nigel Short. As Nunn put it (p. 91):
If Kasparov can fall victim to this sort of oversight, then anybody can!
I don't know about you, but when I see a world-class player blunder I feel a bit better about my own chess. It's a small consolation, but still.

As the title suggests, this is an basic tactics book. For me, it was my very first one, and I feel good about that choice.  I had no experience playing over the board or competing seriously, and I had an online rating of about 1400. At that level, the book was really right for me. Nunn writes in the introduction that aim of the book is to "provide a basic course in chess tactics". He defines the prerequisites, which is knowin the rules. That's it! He does say that you need to know algebraic notation, but then he goes on to explain it, so it's not really a prerequisite. In other words, if you know the rules and want to learn the basics of chess tactics, then this should be a good book to get you started.

Who should read this book?

This is an excellent introduction to chess tactics. It may be a bit challenging for absolute beginners, but I believe it would be a good first tactics book for many aspiring players. In terms of rating, it is probably best for players in the 1000-1500 range. Stronger players can also benefit from it by using the "woodpecker method" and cement their tactical foundation. I enjoyed reading this book as a beginner, and I enjoyed it again as an intermediate(ish) player, so I am happy to give this book a wholehearted recommendation.

About this book

Author:John Nunn
Title:Learn Chess Tactics
Type of book:Tactics
Level:Beginner, (Intermediate)


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