I first heard about Barry Hymer and Peter Wells on the perpetual chess podcast where they were interviewed about their new book on chess improvement. I was intrigued by the ideas they presented, so I decided to get the book. And I was not disappointed. In this review, I will tell you why I like this book and why you should probably read it too. Let me begin by making one point very clear. The subtitle of this book ("it's all in the mindset") has a very specific connection to the psychological theory of mindset . It should not be confused with statements such as "you can get whatever you want if you just ask the universe for it". And it is not a quick fix. With that disclaimer out of the way, let's dig in! If you like these reviews, please consider supporting my work. Visit my patreon page for details. Become a Patron! What can you expect from this book? The concept of mindset was first presented in 2006 by Stanford professor Carol Dweck in her semi...
I am one of many. I am an amateur chess player trying to improve, but I have limited time because of, well, life and stuff. If you can identify with this description, then this site is for you. On the site I post book reviews, game analyses and tips for chess improvement and training. I am also proud to be a founding member of the #chesspunks community.